Emmanuel Essien

Frontend Engineer


  • Fullstack Engineer- NoImpunity (N1C4PF, London)

    NoImpunity delivers the digital infrastructure required to systematically address and fund climate and human rights litigation.

    • My consistent ability to complete assigned tasks precisely on time has distinguished me and contributed to the company’s swift progress.
    • Contribute ideas that have aided in the development of the product, and integrating Firebase SDK, so that authorized users only have access to some other useful features of the application.
  • Frontend Engineer- Rareket Technology Solution (South Africa)

    Rareket makes it easy to buy and sell NFTs with high royalties.

    • Collaborating with fellow developers to achieve shared goals. Diligently working together, actively seeking clarification through questions, and sharing ideas to address challenges efficiently.
  • Frontend Engineer- Redux Protocol (Canada)

    Web3 accelerator and launchpad.

    • Methodically placing and cross-checking the content as directed by the marketing teams on the website, played a pivotal role in facilitating the rapid purchase of NFTs on launch day and beyond.
    • Strengthen my communication skills by volunteering to support the community manager, where I responded politely and respectfully to inquiries from community members.


B.Sc. in Physics - University of Uyo,
(Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria)

Skills and Tech Stack

  • Programming Languages: Node.js, GraphQL, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS3, HTML5,
  • Frameworks: Express.js, Next.js, React.js, Redux, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, DaisyUI.,
  • Tools: Version Control Systems , Node Package Managers, Yarn, Firebase, Stripe sdk, Github, Jira, Postman, Apollo client, Vercel, Heroku, Figma.,

Contact Information
